Baby Meeeee hehe =( i was so cute

єxряєѕѕіои оf мџ ℓіfε... тняоugн тнє єџєѕ оf δąмåи†ћά
12-04-05: i piked up anna and we met glermo at livo watched a movie (the pacifier) .. then went 2 parra by train.. walked round.. tried on some formal dresses took pics bought tickets for miami bla bla.. after that caught another train to town hall but we 4got 2 get off so we ended up at milsons point.. so we went luna park.. thenn we caught a ferry to back circular key.. and then another ferry to manly.. went to manly beach and shopped.. and thennn took another ferry bak to circular key.. and caught a bus to george st.. and walked round.. walked all the way to cockel bay.. and walked all the way bak to george st.. ate.. and caught train bak 2 livo.. but on the way we had 2 stop coz some guy was tryin 2 kill himself on the tracks.. that was near ashfield.. lol and thennn we continued back to livo.. and caught a taxi to a street near annas house(not all the way coz were cheap) and then walked bak to her house... lol and that was the end of the day.. hehe we bought a day tripper for the day.. mine cost $15 and hers only $7.50 stupid concession :S lol makin me waste alot of money payin adult.. hehe anywayz.. throughout the day we took pics of every station we visited.. and plannin to make this a routine adventure every holidays.. any1 interested welcome to join :D hehe btw my mum thought i was gona go 2 livo and head back to annas.. and my dad thought i was sleepin over nonortas house with my sister.. lol
13-04-05: woke up at annas place... caught bus to livo.. and shopped till we literally dropped and were too tired to walk.. i had to buy a dress and jacket for miami that nite.. and anna bought shoes n stuff.. met my cuzin kathryn there and caught a train to fairfield so we could go 2 nonos house.. we got ready and left for miami.. (under 18s at King Toms Club edensor rd) omg miami was unforgettable.. so many people there.. good music.. i danced lolllzzz wat a funny image.. my dancin involves me jumpin up and down movin side to side and singin really loud and screaming.. it was me amanda kathryn nonorta nevada n her bf.. there.. and we saw heaps of ppl from skool.. like moe n my yr and lots of girls in yr 11.. yah.. anywayz throughout the nite we danced.. ooo and some guy fully grabbed my ass while i was dancin.. turned around n he ran lol.. hmmz nonorta started 2 dance with her frend.. 4got his name.. kathryn danced with this dude who tried 2 pik her up.. so i was nigel 4 awhile.. till the guy nono was dancin with.. his cuzin decided 2 dance with me.. we danced for like 2 minutes.. till his frends came and he went to talk 2 them.. and then wen he came back he fully grabbed me and started to dance really really close.. :S lol tried 2 feel me up ewww and he was so tall and coz im short my head was under his nose and i could hear him breathe and it was soo yukky.. omg he kept tryin 2 touch my boobs n ass so i kept grabbin his hands and like started to jump around so he would stop touchin lolz and he tried 2 pash me.. i musta looked like a freak.. (my sista later told me that my jumpin up n down didnt look 2 good to other ppl :S) eww lol.. i also found out that this guy is there like every time wearin the same clothes.. and hes the guy who tries 2 put his dick on u.. omg ewww :S luckily he got bored and left with these other girls.. haha after we got home.. we figured that this guy i danced with was the same guy kathryn was dancin with 1st who also tried 2 pash her.. and he wasnt nonos frends cuzin.. they switched wen he went to talk 2 his frends.. arghh i was dancin with a stranger hehe... oh wellz.. it was still fun.. and crazy a nite ill never forget.. :D all the time we were there my dad thought we were at nonortas house.. my mum picked us up and we nearly got caught.. coz my dad called me and amanda n weboth hung up in his face.. we later found out he was callin coz he wanted my mum 2 get him a kebab.. luckily my mum covered and said we were in nonos room playin music and playin with our fones.. hehe yeh wat a nite.. never forget it
14-04-5: yesterday me nonorta and kathryn woke up.. did nuthin all day.. and stayed in our pjs till kathryn went home.. we bummed and relaxed.. went on the net :P which was a good day.. i got to talk to alot of people i missed talkin 2.. and 4 some reason stevens pissed off at me lol like always.. anywayz yesterday was pretty boring except some of the convos i was in.. which made me feel good.. isnt it amazing how some people can say exactly the rite thing to make u smile?
15-04-05: today was another day at home.. i woke up with a dream fresh in my head.. which involved some guy askin me if ive ever put dettol on my face... *shrugs* lol who knows.. my brain is weird.. today nono went home.. wen her dad picked her up my mum asked if she was gona go youth festival (on sunday at fairfield showground from like 1-8 free entry anyone welcome its fun...) yeh and her dads like "no! a womans place is in the home" omg.. how rude.. hes exactly like my dad.. no wonder theyre cuzinz.. haha :S oh wellz with some convincin my mum made him change his mind.. so yeh.. cant wait till sunday.. had a few arguments with my sister today.. invovling who gets to go online in the nite.. she won like always :S oh wellz.. she'll learn one day.. hmmz and thats pretty much my day.. boring..