Friday, November 26, 2004


today, instead of usin my own brain and thinkin of what to write about i went around askin ma frends 4 random this will hopefully b interestin so i dont bore uze..
it was funny today.. steven fell asleep in english and then woke up afta the period finished. lolz his excuse was coz he was tired from 0 period.. jareh =)
shelly told me to talk about food...and split ends... well 2day i havent eaten anythin. im not feelin really hungry. must be the weather or somethin.. plus i dont wanna go canteen so i can save my money. i spead a miminum of $20 a week at the canteen. how many weeks we go 2 skool? 3 months holidays minus 12 = 9 months.. 9 times 4 = 36.. 36 times 20 = $720
omg i spend $720 minimum at canteen a year...woahhh im not gona spend anymore... thats if i can live without chicken tenders no lettuce and tomato sauce. hehe y did they hav 2 change the chicken they use? i get used 2 the taste of one and then they go and change it. and it seems like its not as nice as it once was..
i keep getn distracted.. this guy just called me. hes like 23 or sumthin :S i dont really like talkin 2 him but yeh lucky he gets bored easy and hangs up afta 10 just msg me askin me 2 come over 2moro 4 her 18th hehe.. koolz.. sumthin fun 2 do
anywayz back to my list of things to write about.. oh yeh i 4got to talk about split ends.. i have no idea wat im meant 2 write about them.. except we spend a small amount of time in class lookin at our hair cuttin pieces off.. umm lol
omg my conditioner ran out!.. stupid hair uses the conditioner up b4 the shampoo.. ahoo i cbf 2 go city and pay $70 just 4 conditioner.. im tryin 2 b cheap here and save my money. id rather save up $400 and go and get my hair redone and get a new BIG bottle of shampoo n conditioner.. its actually worth it.. its been about 4 or sumthin months and my hair is still straight and not dead.. just startin 2 grow back. i got kinda baby hair at the front. but nuthin a blow drier cant fix..
haha melody told me 2 write about "mystery how to find kitten" that was quoted by her and i have no idea wat it means.. but ill interprete from a feminist perspective.. why is it a MISTERy?? why do men get all recognition in finding this so called kitten? and who is this kitten? and why is it lost? why would some1 lose a baby cat? i no they're ugly and smelly and dirty but still...
haha i was just thinkin of the time wen i was at livo ALOT.. like everyday.. and how i used 2 c this lady there.. thinkin she was a relative i used 2 wave to her and smile.. one day i was at livo with ma mum and i waved to this lady and my mums like whos that? and im like u no her.. ur relative.. and shes like um no.. ive neva seen her in my life.. OMG how embarassing :S
haha another embarassin time was wen i was at maccas with this guy and i was drinkin fanta and then all of a sudden i kinda slurped and some fanta shot outa the straw.. dont ask me how that happends but that was really bad.. my face went soo red..
Watch your step today because it will be easy to lose track of what you're doing and get into a muddle. It doesn't help that you're feeling very absent-minded and forgetful, so you may also waste a lot of time searching for items that you've mislaid. Nevertheless, this is a marvellous day for letting rip with your imagination because it will take you on some fabulous journeys. - my horoscope (pisces)
i think its so true.. it explains how im feelin.. absent minded and forgetful.. its just me hehe.. i luv readin my horoscope.. its not like im obsessed with it and i dont live my life by it.. its just interesting to read wat it says and to see if it comes true. i do believe that a person may have certain characteristics depending on their horoscopes. like 4 example taurus r stubborn people.. and its true.. haha im aimed at some1.. sorry if i offended u taurus people who r not stubborn.. but u probably r. =)
haha my list continues... imagine pamela.. bad ass captain smokin droppin outa skool and turnin up on a motor bike wearin short leather mini and knee high boots.. lmao.. wata funny idea..
haha oh no! i ran outa things 2 rite.. my list has ended.. i have few more things but they dont seem relevant atm.. oh wellz.. ill blog more sum other time..
mwahz xoxox

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