Wednesday, July 26, 2006


The title this entry, is perfect. Forlorn Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned;Forsaken or deprived. Exactly how i feel, even though i havent literally been deserted or abandoned. Ive been home in my room by myself for so long, that im feeling beyond bored. Its not even boring now. Its just "bleh". I feel so isolated and alone. Sometimes i don't feel like talking to anyone, i want to but i dont. I dont know why. Its weird. I feel so lost, i cant remember what ive done in so long, because i haven't done anything. My life (verb) is a blur. a tiny pigment of my life (noun). I need a new word for life. I dont even know what i'm doing anymore. I dont even want to do anything. Its strange. Anywayz.. today i was on the computer, and there was this cat meow-ing and it was so annoying. I didnt even know where it was. I looked everywhere but i couldnt find it. Then i just figured it was me neighbours meow-ing for some odd reason. It went on for like half an hour. How strange. hehe.
I woke up at 9 this morning, The first time i've woken up before 12 in a long time. I had to register for my tutorials. It was so crazy. I ended up havin 5 days a week of uni. I was so stressed. But eventually it worked out, and i now have thursday off. And i have a friend in 2 of my tuts, and 4 of my lectures. So that means i only need to make new friends in only 2 tuts. So thats alright :P
How long does someone have to wait to talk to someone who has just totally drifted? Do you ever talk to them again, or do you continue to ignore, and allow driftiness? Should you let it go? Okz.. Sleepy

Goodnight xoxo
Luv Samantha


Steven said...

hRmm im confused..what does that last paragraph mean about the drifting..dont get it..

Anonymous said...

i talk to them, i say hi n stuff, and if the convo feels right, then i wil talk more
if it doesnt, then i let go.


Anonymous said...

if u wanna talk to them, u talk them... i dont think there should be time period after the drifting... ya noe?

Prameeta said...

there's no point talking if its awkward... its just a waste of time.