Sunday, April 16, 2006


happy easter i guess.. not so happy for me.. but when are holidays ever a happy occasion? im so pissed.. we went to kathryn n bex place for easter 2day.. and it was all good.. and it was just startin to get better when more of my cuzinz came n stuff.. and then we had to go home coz my dad wanted 2 visit his uncles place.. and argh i guess thats wat got me pissed in the first place.. and then he was driving.. and he was bein an idiot and sayin that food was 'shit' coz thats wat it turns out to be.. and i told him of for bein rude and gross.. and then he started arguing with me about who noes wat.. and i asked if he had drunk any alcohol.. and he had..and then we got into another arguement about drink driving. and i cant really remember what.. and then he started to tell me to shutup.. and arghh.. i hate that.. and i was so scared coz by this time he was speeding.. and goin like 120 in 100 zone.. and 80 in 50 zone.. and i just sat there cryin in the back of the car freakin out.. and him callin me selfish and crap.. he called me selfish coz i go i dont wana die.. and hes like ur bein selfish.. like wtf.. so he wants me 2 die? me livin is being selfish? arghh i hate this.. i duno wat to do.. how much longer am i gona put up with this? and its only gona get worse.. we totally dont get along.. our opinions n views are completely different.. and hes not open minded.. which frustrates me.. very different ppl.. and all we do is argue.. and he keeps tellin me 2 shutup.. and he said if i respect him i would neva speak in front of him.. arghhh im really annoyed.. and i have a huuugee headache.. i had another arguement with him yesterday.. and its only gona get worse.. coz hes gona b home on holidays n stuff from work. so hes gona b around more.. :\ what do i do? i cant shutup and let him think that what he is saying is right.. hes rude, mean, ignorant.. and theres no way to let him think that hes smarter then ppl.. theonly reason hes like this is that he makes up stuff... and talks about it infront of ppl who wouldnt no any better and believe him.. his stupid crap is bullshit.. and becoz i no some stuff bout stuff.. he sees me as a threat.. or somethin.. well thats the only reason i can think of. or maybe it is coz he hates my voice and can stand me like hes said many times.. !! so pissed..


Anonymous said...

I know what it feels like to live with someone that you can't stand. I hate it how he's 'around'. I can't stand the way he talks. I hate what he has to say.
I can't offer adivce cos i'm in the same boat. call me!

Anonymous said...