Thursday, April 03, 2008

Bored & Ignored

bought a car like 2 weeks ago. its kinda sad that my Volvo is sitting there by itself all bored and lonesome. Just like me lol..Maybe someone should drive it. I guess its just gona have to wait.
So Hong Kong is officially happening 5-18th July. Yep...

I know I'm kinda strange, to you sometimes
Don't always say, what's on my mind
You know that Ive been hurt, by some guy
But I don't wanna mess up this time

And I really care
And I really want you
And I think I'm kinda scared
Cos I don't want to lose you
If you really care
Then maybe you can hang through
I hope you understand
It's nothing to you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

XD wow HK!