Sunday, October 23, 2005

yay formal dress =)

hmmz yesterday i went to parramatta with my mum, aunty and sis.. and my sis wanted to look at formal dresses.. and i bought 1! lol i really wanted to go shopping with every1.. but i couldnt leave it incase it wasnt there later on.. but ill still go shoppin with every1 coz i need shoes.. anyways its black.. the front is simple and straight cut.. the bodice has sorta silky/scrunchy material.. the back its sorta backless.. with a v shaped cut down to my ass.. but it has like thick stringy things across my back.. its long down to the floor... and at the back the material is a lil longer and sorta has a train.. its a cocktaily sorta dress... and i think i look really old and taller in it.. lol i hope i dont feel uncomfortable wearin it.. : its sorta revealing.. well not really but to me it is considerin the type of clothes i usually wear.. ohh and 1 bad thing about it is that i bought it from harts :( i 1st saw it in myer.. and i liked it.. and i kept lookin round n round and headed into harts when i saw it again and then i tried it on and then i really liked it so yeh i had to get it.. i cant wait till the formal.. and i still dont no who can do makeup.. and hair.. amy if ur sis is willing to come here then i wouldnt mind her doin makeup.. but im prob gona go get my hair done at a hairdresser..
ahh 2moros maths im meant to be studying :'( but i dont wanaaa. i hate mathssss.. im gona fail anywayz and im really annoyed that they dont show ur mark if its under 30.. and im gona hav this unknown result.. *waaaa* its so embarassing.. i no i should study but whats the point when its gona get kicked out?
im so hungry and got a headache.. ohh my aunty is rentin out this office space for her business in whethrill park in the industrial area.. any1 seen the bridal factory shops.. they have formal dresses in that block? its all the way down cowpasture road and u turn right at the huge roundabout n keep driving down... anywayz my dads been helpin her turn 1 large room into a few rooms.. been buildin walls n stuff.. and its sooo kool.. its painted blue with a sponge effect and it looks really cloudy and shes told me her design ideas and its gona b sooo pretty.. i wana work there after the hsc its gona b her showroom and stuff.. :) i hope she'd hire me..
lol i wana do so much after the hsc.. i duno wat im gona do 1st.. and i dont wana do everythin all at once coz then ill run outa things and watste my time..
my dads like washin his car.. but isnt there water restrictions still? oh well no1 tell on him and call the water restrictin patrol cars coz then he'll get in shit.. heehehehee
im growin so impatient i want the hsc to end rightt nowwwwwwwww.. lol legal on friday was good.. i was on BOS forum n ppl postin there answers for multiple choice and i think i got around 12/15 lol so im happy :D yay ok i better end this and go do sumthin.. maybe eat.. i duno.. sumthin anythin..

Q. Why is the alphabet in alphabetical order? A.The order is correlated with the lunar asterisms OR its just a coincidence.. OR that the alphabet came first and then the order came second.. comment ur ideas :) haha iwana c wat the best answer is.. and i wana no whos actually readin.. comment comment! even if i dont no who u r.. lolz :P i dont mind strangers readin my blog.. its ok.. haha
ANYHOO cya laterz... Samantha xoxox


Anonymous said...

lol yeh about the formal dress ihavent been shopping yet.. hahaha but my sister n her bf has been lookin out for me.. so dats good.kekkee they say they saw this one in chatswood dats really nice~~ but they know i dont like pink, and it only comes in pink n black.. owelz.i hav to go there to c for myself..arr.chatswood is like sooooo far away.. anyways... haha i hav to study for maths coz it will b counted for
>__< i want the hsc to end too... i think ist 17 more days.. o crap.. wen i think about studyin for business n biology gives me a big headache.. @@" o shit.. whatelse.. hRmmmmmm........ i already answer ur alphabet Q, o n thanks for analysing my dream..ur koooool~~~~~~ check ur tickle, i wrote u a story.LOL well not really..more like a msg~ hahahaha and i read the old one dat i wrote to u..omg i used to so immature..LMAO~~~~ i was surprised to see how much i hav


Prameeta said...

wow...formal dress...i wanna see everyones...i'm really dress is like a wedding dress for pregnant chicks...oh really looks like a simply beachy wedding dress...uh-oh.
i know what u mean. I want the HSC TO END!! NOW...right now, i want something to get in the way of all my other exams n then i neva wanna get the results...hmm...miss talking to everyone