Monday, October 31, 2005


i duno how im feelin atm.. but i cant concentrate.. my minds distracted.. yesterday my cuzn told me that this guy named steven passed away from a car accident on friday.. he used to go to our school.. he was her xs good frend.. he had curly hair n was assyrian... do uze remember him? i think sheenal used to talk to him on her free periods.. its not like i knew him that well but im really shocked.. i talked to him a couple times when ma cuz n her bf were out or wateva.. its so weird.. i cant believe it. its so sad. and i duno wat to do.. i havent told anyone that hes passed coz i didnt no him and its not my place to tell everyone.. i think maybe sheenal should no coz she talked to him i think.. but i dont wana tell her till afta she finishes her exams.. i mean she didnt really no him but she talked to him more than i did and if im affected its probably gonna be worse for her :( i still dont know why i feel so affected by it.. i seriously cant cocentrate.. he was so young.. and hes gone?
"You dont see that we hurt
But still...
...I smile
The roses come to see me
And I can't wait for a sunny day
(Im seeing it through your eyes)
Can't wait for the clouds to break"
i keep tellin my self that a day will come where we can smile again.. i keep thinkin that after the hsc everything will be fine.. we'd be happy and everythin but i duno now somethin like this happens and its just a reminder that bad things happen all the time and we cant help them or stop them from happening.. why are humans one of the biggest and smartest creatures on earth but we cant do anythin about the pain that surrounds each of us.. we cant prevent bad things happening.. argh im just really annoyed about how the world works...RIP Steven..

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