Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I feel like the biggest hypocrite atm, but only by accident. I didnt know what i was doin was what i did. I don't wanna say it specifically what it was, to me it wasnt a big deal. But i made it a big deal to someone else, and its just embarassin if i admit doing it. Arghh ok, i accidetnly read my sisters chat log. Ok it was accidently read, because i was checkin to see who ive spoken to the most, and i saw my cousins email addy, and i couldnt remember when i spoke to her, so i opened it and read it. Then i realised it was my sister. And its not my fault, coz im on my laptop, and hardly any1 ever goes on it. I thought all the chatlogs were mine. But i still feel like i invaded her privacy :( and i dont wana tell her, coz i read somethin she wants to keep secret. Im more troubled by what else she said, like shes been feeln really shitty lately, but i dont think she has. I think shes just exaggerating or somethin, i mean i knew this is how she felt ages ago, from what she wrote in RO forums, and stuff like that. But i thought she would be over it now, i mean nothings really happened to make her that upset, the way she described it. Well her best friend moved away, but she has heaps of new friends now. How bad can she really be feeling? Anywayz her secret is very cute. Me & amanda thought we knew, we already knew to some extenet. But i feel crap coz y would she tell my cousin Kathryn n not us. I understand her n Kat have this weird bond. But she told her she couldnt tell us coz we'd get shitty, but its not true :S Anywayz i feel crap coz i read it.
hmmz.. anywayz.. today i got a high distinction for an assignment =) i should be like really happy, but i feel weird. Most people in my class didnt get to good. And before i got my assignment back, i honestly didnt think i would get a good mark. He gave a whole speech about how the class didnt do too well, the average was only a pass and stuff like that. I had only spent the night before working on it. So was kinda stressed. I got the mark after my friends got it, who only got avergae to low. When i looked at it, i smiled and was like wow had no idea i would get that. anywayz the whole calss were complaining. This girl made a comment how people who spent the night before doin it got good marks, and how it wasnt fair. And my friend was like annoyed how he marked hers n stuff. Everyone were complaining. My friends even made fun of this bimboy girl who did better than them. And now i feel crap. Like what if i wasnt friends with them, would they be making fun of me too? I feel bad for complaining before i got it back, but like it wasnt my fault. I honestly thought i didnt do good. So now i cant even enjoy my mark coz i feel guilty :S


Anonymous said...

i just dont show ppl my marks.. good or bad..
but once the teacher announced my mark in front of the class. coz i was the only good one.. loL.. but ya i usually dont show ppl..


Prameeta said...

As for u accidently reading your sisters doesnt matter as long as she doesnt find out cos then she'l b embarrassd. Sometimes some accidental findings are good...k i dont how to explain...

Anonymous said...

high distinction! GO U!!!!!!!!!

as for the thing w/ ur sister, don't feel bad, it was an accident after all... and if u already knew to an extent... this isn't helping is it?


Anonymous said...

yeah well done on the HD
