Wednesday, January 19, 2005


im really bored.. seems like im always bored these days... wat is bein bored really? coz wat if im not bored but im just sayin im bored.. it seems like boredom is everywhere i look.. can u b bored when ur doin alot of things.. maybe bein bored is havin expectations or hopes of what u wana b doin but ur not actually doin them things.. so to some1 else what u could b doin rite now is not borin but 2 u ur goin crazy coz ur so bored... im gona look up the meanin of the word bored..
omg u wouldnt believe it but the word bored isnt in the dictionary! (The Australian Oxford Paperback Dictionary).. things that people can do to make u go crazy... im so bored i looked up the word bored and its not even there.. i bet the people who made the dictionary did it on purpose... if ur so bored to look up the word bored and its not there.. it makes u determined to look in other places until u find the meaning of the word.. wow theyre so smart.. givin somethin 4 people to do when in the state of boredom...
theres the word bore... BORE: Make (a person) feel tired or uninterested by being dull or tedious... wellz.. no1s making me bored.. except myself.. so does that mean im lame? haha probably am.. lolz no wonder im bored.. im boring.. haha now gona look up the word on
adj 1: tired of the world; "bored with life"; "strolled through the museum with a bored air" 2: uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence; "his blase indifference"; "a petulent blase air"; "the bored gaze of the successful film star"

hmmz.. so its sayin the reason i am so bored is because of frequent exposure or indulgence.. once ur exposed to something over and over it becomes boring.. so by being on the net all the time and havin the same routine everyday my life is boring.. i need to do somethin to excite it.. :S well if i had somethin else to do i would b doing it..
this is so annoying.. i no my problem but i duno how to fix it.. how am i supposed to find somethin else to do.. im scared to take risks.. im scared of big things changin.. im scared of regrets.. im scared of heights.. omg im scared lolz
this whole boredom thing is makin me go crazy... i have no idea y im like this.. maybe coz i have no1 interestin to talk to.. i got about 27 people online.. no1 really that special.. oh wellz.. :S
today i woke up and did nothing at all.. watched a few movies.. and stuff... ooo im peeling.. im a snake.. eeww its so gross and ugly looking.. i feel so dirty..
awwww i want someone to come online... =( its only 10:47 its too early to sleep.. but i got nothin else to do.. im gettin bored of gunbound and my head isnt working to well to do skool work :S omg skool arghhh avoid subject coz im gona go crazy.. so much work to do and so little time.. *waaaaaaaa* *runs away screaming* i hate skool.. dont wana go anymore its such a waste of time.. i dont even no y i go.. wateva my heads been in a time warp these few days.. been really annoyed with everyone and bitin peoples heads off for no reason.. ive kinda been mean to a few people.. and i duno y... and i cant help it :S
oo rite now im doin sooma.. or howeva its spelt.. no meat or dairy products for 3 days.. started yesterday.. not to hard this time.. its the dream one.. but i dont wana eat that thing 2 c the dream.. 4 people who dont no wat im on about... u dont eat meat or dairy products for 3 days and 3 nites.. on wed nite u make this mixture of 7 ingredients.. including chick peas, kidney peas, flour.. weird stuff.. and then using ur thumb u scoop 7 times and eat it... its really dry and yukky.. then u do the same thing scooping salt.. 7 times... this makes u really really thirsty.. that nite u should dream of water.. and its believed that u will see ur future man.. the 1 ur meant 2 b with... wen my mum was younger she dreamt of this guy she liked givin her water.. but then this other hand took away the glass.. it was my dads hand.. theres heaps of stories like that really kool..
hmmz anywayz long blog.. thats enough.. byez

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