Monday, November 14, 2005

hmmz..i will title this somethin beta when im not brain dead..

arghh i really wana write what happened today but my brain is so tired.. i laughed so much today.. it felt good.. but im completely gone now.. ok it all started when we went to school to sign out.. yay our last day ever at school.. so this is a brief introduction and narrative of our exciting adventures and journeys into an unkown parallelium area of new meetings and strange followings and stalkings.. i am currently brain dead, incapable of proper thought and speech, i will explain this to you properly in person.. coz its weird to type.. to long..

well yeh this guy named Soraya... we dont no him he just came to our school last year... a few months ago.. on a tues me pam steven akansha went livo n he saw steven n he rememberd him.. so we started talkin to him n then like he sorta followed us for an hour coz he was bored.. we thought ok.. he was bored that day.. 2day we went to livo.. n we were in the carpark.. n i saw him.. he was goin home.. but then he saw steven.. n i saw him walk bak into livo.. we walked near the movies.. n he was there he said hi.. we said hi.. then we said we gota go.. cya next thing we no.. we're in galaxy world n we c him running towards us puffin outa breath.. thennn he followed us n goes im bored im just gona hang around uz.. we were like ok.. 10 min n we gona go somewhere else anywayz we decided to go burwood.. shelly bought a street directory n everythin n then... he decided to come with us.. i seriously thought he'd sit in shellys car n squish up in the back.. but he had his own caar so hed follow us.. n thenn he was in his car n we were in shellys but he got lost.. so we just kept goin n then we got lost.. we didnt no how 2go burwood so we went parra n then he called us.. n hes like omg im somewher ein villawood i duno where i am n we were seriously not gona tell him where we were.. but we just told him we r lost in parra we ate.. n then he called.. so we said we're lost n we r gona look 4 parra westfields.. n then he came! n he found us in parra n he followed us around for like 1 hour n then we all went home n he was complainin it was borin but it was so funny coz hes so weird n no1 wanted him 2 come lol u seriously had to be there it took us about 3 hours till he found us at parra from the time he left livo n he only stayed for an hour

p.s i 4got to add that he was really really hungry.. he hadnt eaten.. he was tellin steven to eat at livo.. but we told him we were gona wait till burwood.. n we had already eaten at parra by the time he found us.. he was hungry, lost, n alone..

i feel guilty at laughin at other peoples misfortunes.. but u gota understand how funny it was..

lol i 4got to add that he has steven n shellys numbers... uh oh..


Anonymous said...

roflllllllll a day we will never forget, ever.

Mz_mE said...

omg the formal.. hes gona come!

Prameeta said...

how will he be at da formal??
u made a new buddy!!